Saturday, July 16, 2011

Kraljević: Croatian for Prince

Miroslav Kraljević
Ruski Ballet, 1912
Pen, Ink/ Paper
What I learned from my study abroad experience, be it in Croatia, Bosnia i Herzegovina, Montenegro, or on the Aer Lingus overnight flight from Dublin to New York is that American suck at being gentlemen. AMERICAN MEN NEED TO STUDY MAN-SKILLS ABROAD!!!

Never in all my life - with the exception of my brother and one other guy from the past - I have never been treated like such a lady! Men were so willing to help in any way! The American that I sat next to on my Dubrovnik to Dublin flight was no help at all; but the Irish gentleman that sat next to me on Aer Lingus flight EI 109 in seat 39 K (next to 39 H - yes, I went there) named Mark Hensley blew my mind with his gentlemanly behavior. Not only was he cute, he was sweet by helping me conquer the touch screen TV and by getting my backpack out of the overhead bin for me AND helping me put it on! I couldn't believe it!!! No American man has ever been so helpful without it being in his job description! WHERE ARE THESE MEN IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I want one! The men at Hotel Peristil and all of the hostels that I stayed wouldn't let me carry my own bags or do anything. Coming from America where this never happens, to a country where it always happens made me feel like a lady. I felt like I was living in the 1950's where a lady was treated like a lady and her luggage wasn't rummaged through and her delicates were never seen.

As anti-feminist as this may sound, I liked being treated like a lady... even if it means that I am seen as the weaker sex, I liked it. A lot! And I can't wait to go back to Europe! I can't wait to pack my suitcase and get out there and explore the world and not always be treated like a lady. That's the risk I'm willing to take in this adventure that I call my wonderful life. <3

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