Monday, January 30, 2012

Russia's Foreign Minister vs. DIY Master

Why is it that when you have a gajillion things to get done, you suddenly find a gajillion things more intersting than what you should be doing?!?!?!?!
Like staring blankly at your screen and getting up every five minutes to walk into your living room.....
In my Balkans class we are doing a Congress of Berlin Simulation... I am Russia's Foreign Minister.
Awesome, I know.

This is me doing what I am supposed to be doing. The paper is due in 2 hours.
It's not done.

My mind is wandering all over the place in la la land full of books to read, dishes to clean, research to do, recipes to try, and of course the DIY projects that I want to start, like NOW!

But, Imperial Russia is where I must stay until 9:00PM tonight. Ugh!

On the bright side my Undergrad Research Grant proposal is done and was submitted last night. Hooray!
Now it's time to pray knees flat.

I can't wait to start these projects, but first I have to make it to Spring Break '12 without failing to do my school work...

P.S. I have decided to grow my hair out. I'm tired of short hair. It's been awesome for a year, but I miss my long-ish hair. And so does my mom.

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