Friday, March 16, 2012

The in-between

I neglect my blog so much. Mainly because no one reads it, so who cares? Anyway...
What have I been up to lately?!
Photos to come over the next week or two.

Face Jugs and Heritage

Last long overdue post!:

Today my mom and I were supposed to go to the Folk PotteryMuseum of Northeast Georgia. It is an AMAZING place to go and it is my favorite museum; pretty much of all-time. But, it was closed, much to my chagrin. So, instead we made the best of the situation and went to the Mark of the Potter – my all-time fav place to shop for handmade pottery and cuties. Today I got some great finds. But the part of it all that was most interesting was the fish. My mom and I go there almost EVERY SINGLE year to feed those dang fish.

Me and my momma! She's amazing!

Sautee-Nacoochee Center beside the Folk Pottery Museum

Where we ate lunch! It was soooooooooo good!!!

The Fox and the Stripes

Another long over due post:

I'm pretty much just going to barrage you with pictures. Enough said.

My grandpa Cook made this. He's an amazing carpenter.

Rainbows, People! RAINBOWS MADE BY THE FALLS!!! Isn't God magnificent?!?!?!?

Myself, my big bubby - Jason, and his wife - Joy in front of Tacoa Falls at Tacoa College.

There be Gold in them thar hills!

A long overdue post to be sure, but I wanted to share it anyway:

Of course there is! That's what makes Daholonega and NE Georgia so lovely!

Today was awesome!!! My mom and I drove to my fav little town, Dahlonega <3 With my brother and sister-in-law, of course.

I wore my adorable new fox pin, my vintage brass bar earrings. It was rainy and dreary and slightly miserable, but a lovely day in lovely city nonetheless.

We ate lunch in the Picnic Eatery Cafe... Always AMAZING!!! and I am always a little over-obsessed with it.